MANHATTAN Ergonomic Adjustable Footrest Under-Desk Comfort and Productivity Enhancer 300 x 380mm 12 x 15in. Rubberized Surface Black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON wristpad keyboard 80004518 62383
KENSINGTON wristpad keyboard black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Duo Gel wristpad keyboard 80004518 62398
KENSINGTON Duo Gel wristpad keyboard red black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Gel wristpad adjustable 80004518 22701
KENSINGTON Gel wristpad adjustable
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SoleRest footrest 80004518 56148
KENSINGTON SoleRest footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K52783WW Notebook Riser 80004518
KENSINGTON K52783WW Smartfit Notebook Riser
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest for Stan 80004518 K52799WW
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest for Standard Kb
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest for Slim 80004518 K52800WW
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest for Slim Kb
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SmartFit Easy Riser black 80004518 K52788WW
KENSINGTON SmartFit Easy Riser black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Solemate Plus Foot Rest black 80004518 K52789WW
KENSINGTON Solemate Plus Foot Rest black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K50345EU Kensington SmartFit 80004518
KENSINGTON K50345EU Kensington SmartFit SoleMate Pro Elite Ergonomic Foot Rest
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K50416EU Kensington SmartFit 80004518
KENSINGTON K50416EU Kensington SmartFit SoleMate Foot Rest
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K50421EU Kensington SmartFit 80004518
KENSINGTON K50421EU Kensington SmartFit Easy Riser 2.0 Small
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest 80004518 K52801EU
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest For Slim Compact Keyboards Black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Rocking footrest 80004518 K58303WW
KENSINGTON Rocking footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
GEMBIRD MUS-ERGO-03 6-button opt mouse 80014283
GEMBIRD MUS-ERGO-03 Ergonomic 6-button optical mouse spacegrey
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON FlexClip copyholder 80004518 62081
KENSINGTON FlexClip copyholder
{per_month}{months} мес..
RAZER Wrist Rest Pro Cooling Gel pad 80026586 RC21-01470100-R3M1
RAZER Wrist Rest Pro Cooling Gel pad
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON InSight Plus copyholder 80004518 62405
KENSINGTON InSight Plus copyholder
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SoleSaver footrest 80004518 56152
KENSINGTON SoleSaver footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
TECHLY 305564 Techly Ergonomic footrest 80051513
TECHLY 305564 Techly Ergonomic footrest with angle adjustment, black
{per_month}{months} мес..
LOGILINK ID0044 LOGILINK - Keyboard Gel 80036439
LOGILINK ID0044 LOGILINK - Keyboard Gel 80036439
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile, Esselte Dataline, geeliga must
stiilne ja mugav geeltäidisega randmetugi hoiab randme ja käelaba neutraalses asendis sobitatud klaviatuuri mõõduga aitab hoida käsi pingevabas asendis vastupidavast lycra-materjalist pealispind mittelibisev põhi mõõdud:...
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile KENSINGTON Foam, must
Kaal ja rõhk jagunevad ühtlaselt kogu vahtpolstrile, et tagada mugavus pikema kasutamise ajal
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Standard, must
• Valmistatud pehmetest ja vastupidavatest materjalidest, mis ei lase kleepuda naha külge ja on kergesti puhastatav • Libisemiskindel kummist alus • Sobib klaviatuuridele, mille eesmine kõrgus on 10mm-20mm • Mõõdud: 101...
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile FELLOWES Chevron
• Plekikindlad pinnad, mida saab puhastada niiske lapiga. • Libisemiskindel kummist alus hoiab randmetoe paigal.
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile Ergo Wow, roosa
Leitz Ergo WOW klaviatuuri randmetugi on ideaalne randmepadi ergonoomiliselt täiuslikule töökohale. Ideaalne randmetugi trükkimiseks hoiab randme asendeid võimalikult sirgena, et hoida rannet tervena ja tagada mugavust,...
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile Ergo Wow, roheline
Leitz Ergo WOW klaviatuuri randmetugi on ideaalne randmepadi ergonoomiliselt täiuslikule töökohale. Ideaalne randmetugi trükkimiseks hoiab randme asendeid võimalikult sirgena, et hoida rannet tervena ja tagada mugavust,...
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurialus FELLOWES Hana, hall värv.
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile Leitz Ergo, reguleeritav, tumehall
Ergonoomiline reguleeritav klaviatuuri randmetugi on loodud tervisliku käeasendi soodustamiseks ja randme paigutuse parandamiseks Aitab vähendada korduvate koormusvigastuste mõju, mis tekib pikaajalisel laua taga töötami...
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON wristpad keyboard 80004518 64270
KENSINGTON wristpad keyboard blue
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Memory Gel wristpad mouse 80004518 62404
KENSINGTON Memory Gel wristpad mouse
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SoleMate Plus footrest 80004518 56146
KENSINGTON SoleMate Plus footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SoleMassage footrest 80004518 56155EU
KENSINGTON SoleMassage footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest Mechanic 80004518 K52798WW
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest Mechanical Kb
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest Slim 80004518 K50435EU
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest For Slim Compact Keyboard Grey
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Mousepad Grey 80004518 K50437EU
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Mousepad with Wrist Rest For Standard Mouse Grey
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest Gaming 80004518 K50431EU
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest for Gaming & Mechanical Keyboard Grey
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K50409EU Kensington SmartFit 80004518
KENSINGTON K50409EU Kensington SmartFit SoleMate Pro Ergonomic Foot Rest
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Gel, must
• Ultrapehme pealispind koos geelja polsterdusega tagab kvaliteeti ja mugavust • Mõõtmed: Kõrgus 18mm, laius 152mm, sügavus 73mm
{per_month}{months} мес..
CONTOUR RollerMouse Go Dock 80021788 CDWRRMGO00210
CONTOUR RollerMouse Go Dock
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON SoleMate footrest 80004518 56145
KENSINGTON SoleMate footrest
{per_month}{months} мес..
Randmetugi klaviatuurile KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Slim, must
• Ultrapehme pealispind koos geelja polsterdusega tagab kvaliteeti ja mugavust • Sobib klaviatuuridele, mille esiosa kõrgus on alla 10 mm • Garantii: 2 aastat • Kõrgus: 10mm / 0.4 " • Laius: 432mm / 17 " • Sügavus: 101mm...
{per_month}{months} мес..
SANDBERG Wrist Rest Pro XXL 80013319 520-36
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Gel wristpad keyboard 80004518 62385
KENSINGTON Gel wristpad keyboard black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Duo Gel wristpad keyboard 80004518 62397
KENSINGTON Duo Gel wristpad keyboard blue black
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K60412WW Back Support 80004518
KENSINGTON K60412WW SmartFit Conform Back Support
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON Wrist Rest For Slim Mouse 80004518 K50436EU
KENSINGTON ErgoSoft Wrist Rest For Slim Mouse/Trackpad Grey
{per_month}{months} мес..
KENSINGTON K50420EU Kensington SmartFit 80004518
KENSINGTON K50420EU Kensington SmartFit Easy Riser Go Large